You can download my resume here in english (last updated in 2024) or in french (last updated in 2022)


Current students

  • PhD
    • [2022-2025] Radjasouria VINAYAGAME, co-supervision with Samuel Thibault (Univ. of Bordeaux) and Van Man Nguyen (Eviden)
  • Internship

Former students

  • PhD Students
    • [2019-2022] Célia Tassadit AITKACI, co-supervision with Denis Barthou (Bordeaux INP) and Marc Sergent (ATOS), now a manager at Capgemini
    • [2019-2022] Van Man NGUYEN, co-supervision with Denis Barthou (Bordeaux INP), Patrick Carribault (CEA), and Julien Jaeger (CEA), now an engineer at Eviden
  • Postdoc
    • [April 2019 - August 2020] Pierre HUCHANT, co-supervision with Costin Iancu (LBNL)
      DPEI Inria@SiliconValley funding
  • Engineer
    • [2021-2022] Chiheb Sakka, co-supervised with Denis Barthou (Exacard Project)
  • Internship
    • Jad El Karchi (Undergrad at Enseirb-Matmeca, 3 months internship in 2023), co-supervision with Mihail Popov
    • Pierre-Antoine Rouby (Undergrad at University of Bordeaux, 3 months internship in 2021 + 6 months internship in 2022)
    • Radjasouria VINAYAGAME (Undergrad at Enseirb-Matmeca, 2 months in 2019-2020, 2 months in 2022)
    • Charly Castes, co-supervision with Olivier Aumage and Emmanuel Agullo (Undergrad at École Polytechnique, 6 months in 2021)
    • Mathieu Laurent, co-supervision with Martin Quinson (Undergrad at ENS Rennes, 2021)
    • Vincent BRIDONNEAU (Undergrad at Enseirb-Matmeca, 6 months in 2020)
    • Louise MERCIER (High school student, 2 weeks in 2019), Stage de découverte
    • Firmin MARTIN (Undergrad at ENS Lyon, 6 weeks internship in 2019)
    • Antoine TIREL (Undergrad at Enseirb-Matmeca, 3 months internship in 2018)
    • Ahmed Amine NASSIK (Undergrad at Polytech Grenoble, 3 months internship in 2017), co-supervision with Jean-François Méhaut (Univ. of Grenoble, France)
    • Hugo BRUNIE (Undergrad at Enseirb-Matmeca, 6 months internship in 2015), co-supervision with Patrick Carribault (CEA, France) and Denis Barthou (Bordeaux INP)
    • Arthur LOUSSERT (Undergrad at University of Versailles, 2 months internship in 2014), co-supervision with Patrick Carribault (CEA, France)

PhD Jury

  • [Sept 2023] Andreas Thune, University of Oslo (reviewer)
  • [Jul 2023] Amaury Maillé, ENS Lyon (guest)
  • [Nov 2022] John Gilksberg, Université de Paris Saclay (member)
  • [Jan 2021] James Trotter, University of Oslo (reviewer)
  • [Dec 2020] Tao Chang, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (member)
  • [June 2020] Jérémy Lagravière, University of Oslo (reviewer)


Program Committee

Tutorials / Summer schools

  • Teacher at EJCP 2024, Analyse statique/dynamique des applications HPC
  • PARCOACH tutorial @EuroMPI 2023
  • Teacher assistant for the MPI hands on session of the 2022 summer school on informatics
  • Midi de la bidouille at Inria on LLVM (2022)

Institutional Responsibilities

  • Inria recruitment Jury (for Bordeaux in 2022, for Lyon in 2024)
  • Intervention at the Inria scientific days (JSI) in 2023
  • Responsible of the panel Cross-layer optimization at the Inria seminar in 2022
  • In charge of the popularization activities for the Inria Bordeaux Research Center (since 2021)
  • Member of the Commission de délégation (delegation, postdoc, cordi-s) (since 2019)
  • Treasurer of AGOS (Association de Gestion des Œuvres Sociales) at Inria Bordeaux research center and member of AGOS national (2018-2023)


  • Participation of the Associate Professor selection jury at
    • Bordeaux INP in 2022 and 2023
    • the university of Rennes in 2021
    • the university of Perpignan in 2020
  • Member of the Blaise Pascal Fondation
  • Member of the executive board of the Société informatique de France (SIF)
  • Coordinator and member of the French Compilation group (now CLAP)

Research positions

  • Oct. 2017-…: Research scientist (CRCN), Inria Bordeaux (STORM team), France
  • Dec.2016-Sept.2017: Postdoctoral fellow, Inria Grenoble (CORSE team), France
  • Oct.2015-Oct.2016: Postdoctoral fellow, University of California Berkeley, USA
  • 2012-2015: PhD student, CEA, France
  • 2011-2012: Master (year 2) in Computer Science, University of Versailles, France
  • 2010-2011: Master (year 1) in Computer Science, University of Versailles, France
  • 2008-2010: Licence in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Paris 7, France
  • 2006-2008: “Classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles” in Science, Lycée Saint Charles, Orléans, France